Get Involved

There are many ways to support kids in YL Middle EurAsia!

And we invite you to be a part of this life-changing journey. It will transform your life and give the next kid in Middle EurAsia an opportunity to hear the best love story ever told.


Here's how you can help:

Join an
Action Team

Like local Young Life committees, Action Teams encourage, fund, and support ministry abroad.
critical needs.

Visit Young Life Middle EurAsia

Want to go on a trip of a lifetime? A Young Life Expeditions trip is a perfect way to experience Young Life ministry on the ground AND adventure into the surrounding country.

Join us at
an event

There is always something exciting happening in our Division! Whether it is online or in-person, we would love to have you!

Become a Financial partner

If you are considering supporting our mission financially, there are several options for you to do so. ​

Pray with Us

In Young Life, prayer is our first work. And we value every prayer you offer for this ministry. Without them, it won't exist.

Join our global community next October 7 for the Young Life Global Day of Prayer. ​ ​ ​