“Тож ідіть і навчіть всі народи...” Матвій 28:19 {Ukrainian}
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19 {English}
Now more than ever, Ukrainian teens are looking for hope. They ask tough questions and look for honest answers.
Why is this happening?
What is my future?
Why am I walking this earth?
We are there to encourage them, love them, tell them about the hope they can have in Jesus — and disciple the next generation of leaders.
The horrific war with neighboring Russia has changed the landscape of this beautiful country over the past two years. It impacted everyone – the young and the old in ways that are difficult to understand.
But despite these overwhelming challenges, thousands of teens still hear the message of hope. Young Life leaders are on the ground, walking with them, pointing them to Jesus—the God who is able to raise beauty in place of death and grief. We believe He will continue to do so throughout Ukraine.
This is what has always been at the center of our work. They are deeply rooted in God’s Word, committed to their calling, often giving up better-paying jobs and putting themselves at risk. And they tirelessly and boldly share His love with the kids.
Oleksandr (sasha)
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HR coordinatOR
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REGIONAL administrator
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Oleksandr (Sasha) Utkin, Regional Director, Ukraine
Sasha was born into an unbelieving family and raised by his mother in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. In 1994, at 18 years of age, he went to the first Ukrainian Young Life camp held in Ukraine, and a few months later decided to commit his life to Jesus. Later that year, he married his wife, Ira. After getting baptized, they joined the Young Life ministry as volunteers. In 1999, Sasha came on staff and, in 2008, became the Regional Director for Ukraine.
God used Sasha to build a thriving ministry, spreading to over 24 regions and reaching thousands of teenagers. Young Life training centers were established in several cities and used to teach current leaders and prepare future teams for work in the ministry. By 2021, 73 ministries were serving high schoolers, kids with special needs, orphans, and young mothers.
Today, as the war with Russia continues, Sasha remains full of hope. The dream is to restore what was lost and seek out God’s vision for the future of Young Life in Ukraine. He trusts God for 10,000 volunteer leaders by 2030 – an audacious goal yet possible with God.
Ira Utkin, Regional Director, YoungLives
Ira Utkin, the Divisional Director of YoungLives, came from a dysfunctional family, spending much of her youth in the streets with her friends and little hope.
Miraculously, in the summer of 1994, she learned about a Young Life camp in her hometown and gave her life to Jesus during that unforgettable week.
Over time, having served as a co-director of Young Life Ukraine alongside her husband Sasha, Ira sensed God calling her to lead her own ministry. At this point, she was the mother of six children, four of whom were adopted. So, YoungLives was born.
Today, Ira dedicates most of her time to the YoungLives ministry, which she calls YoungMoms. She invests in the lives of young women, pointing them to Jesus, and helping them become everything they were created to be. “For me, the most important thing is to stay committed and remember that I’m an instrument in God’s hands.”
Natasha Tsurkan, Area Director, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Natasha remembers being invited to the Young Life club many times before finally saying yes. Her first experience was in 2001, at the summer camp. During that week, Natasha encountered Jesus not as a strict and distant God but as a friend. After camp, Natasha started going to club and volunteering, and by the following summer, she got trained as a group leader. Natasha served in her hometown, Chernivtsy, for thirteen years before answering God’s calling and moving to Ivano-Frankivsk in 2008 to start the Young Life ministry there.
Today, as an Area Director, Natasha dreams about having Young Life ministry all over Ivano-Frankivsk. Together with a team of four leaders, they build relationships with teens, parents, and the local community.
Sasha Gusakov, Area Director, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Sasha remembers a difficult childhood — he was bullied at school and had an alcoholic father at home. In college, he had a friend who connected him to Young Life and his life was never the same. Young Life was his first experience of friendship and love; he never wanted to go home! In 2004, Sasha went to camp and while looking up into the stars, he asked God for forgiveness. He remembers instant relief.
Sasha became involved in Young Life ministry and was soon offered a staff position. Though newly married and starting a family, he left his well-paying job to devote himself to full-time ministry. Sasha wants to offer his experience of transformation to young people all across Ukraine. He is now the Area Director in the city of Khmelnytskyi, where Young Life is growing at an incredible pace, reaching even more kids with the love of God.
Tetiana Nasedkina, Regional Administrator, Ukraine
When Tetiana was just a young child, she lost her parents in a car accident. Her aunt and uncle, both non-believers, took her into their family and raised her. One summer, when she was seventeen, Tatiana discovered the Young Life camp. That’s where Jesus touched her heart, and she invited Him in. She’s been a part of the Young Life Ukraine family ever since. Although Tetiana currently manages numbers and creates reports as a Regional Administrator, she still loves working with teenagers. “I love serving at camp because there I witness teenagers choosing the life with Christ.” Tetiana’s favorite way to spend time is somewhere quiet, alone with God. She loves the outdoors and always enjoys taking a trip outside her hometown. Please pray for Tetiana as she serves in the key administrative role and continues to discover Jesus and the path He has prepared for her.
area director
West Ukraine
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area director
North Ukraine
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Central Ukraine
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AREA director
East Ukraine
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AREA director
South Ukraine
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Volodimir Hryhorchuk, Regional Director, West Ukraine
Volodimir grew up knowing about Jesus . As a young teen, he even went to the Young Life club. But as he became older, peer pressure got the best of him, and he walked away from the Lord. When he was 18, his old Young Life friends invited him to camp. Volodimir decided to go, although his heart was set on stirring trouble. Instead, something shifted in his heart during that week, and he became a child of God. After that camp, Volodimir immediately joined the Young Life ministry.
Today, Volodimir serves as an Area Director of Western Ukraine. Driven by his passionate desire to share the Gospel with kids, Volodimir is tirelessly pouring into his team of leaders. He dreams that leaders from different denominations and churches would come together one day in unity and love for Jesus and teenagers.
Serhii Shevchenko, Regional Director, North Ukraine
Serhii decided to follow Jesus in 2008. One day, his classmate invited him to a Young Life club and asked him to play one of his rap songs in front of all the kids. Serhii loved it and kept coming back. Eventually, he became a leader, and in 2013 he moved to another city to open a club. Five years later, he did it again. This is how he discovered his passion for building relationships with new people and churches, opening clubs, and forming teams. Today, Serhii is the Regional Director in North Ukraine, responsible for four areas in that region. He and his wife of nine years live in the city of Vinnytsia. In his spare time, Serhii still loves to produce rap music and play basketball.
Bohdan Bilinskyi, Regional Director, Central Ukraine
Bohdan heard about Young Life from his classmates, who invited him to club. He loved everything about it, and when it was time for winter camp, he packed his bag and joined his friends. That was the week when Bohdan decided to dedicate his life to Christ. He was sixteen. When he returned from camp, he continued to go to club, never missing even one! During that time, Bohdan always dreamt about an opportunity to work for Young Life, and one day that opportunity became a reality. As a leader and a Regional Director of Central Ukraine, Bohdan loves carrying out God’s commission and seeing growth in his disciples. “Seeing the Kingdom of God spreading and impacting our country and the world is amazing.” With his wife, Bohdan dreams of having his own house and a dog one day. And in his spare time, he enjoys running, walking, and reading.
Oleh Kravetskyi, Regional Director, East Ukraine
Oleh grew up in a family of non-believers. When he was eight years old, he began attending church with his parents and accepted Jesus when he was 15. A few years later, Oleh got involved in the youth ministry at his church, learned about Young Life, and opened up a club in his city. Today, Oleh is the Regional Director of East Ukraine. One of his favorite things about Young Life is seeing God radically changing the lives of teens, giving them the deep joy that comes from finding life’s meaning. Oleh is married to his wife, Oksana, and they have two wonderful kids and a cat. Oleh enjoys spending time with friends, hiking, and fishing in his free time.
Illia Perevozniuk, Regional Director, South Ukraine
Illia learned about Young Life from the Ukraine Regional Director, Sasha Utkin. He started coming to club and eventually decided to follow Jesus. Church has always been a big part of Illia’s life, where he served as a youth leader. When Sasha invited Illia to come on staff, Illia knew Young Life was what he was called to do. Shortly after, he took on the role of the Regional Director for South Ukraine. For Illia, understanding what the ministry does and how their teams serve and answer the calling are the things he treasures the most. Illia and his wife, Mariya, have a son, David, and a daughter, Rebecca. He enjoys traveling and dreams of one day visiting every country in the world.
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Anna Turchynska, College Ministry Coordinator
Anna loved going to the Young Life club in her hometown, Chernivtsi. But when her leader invited her to the summer camp, Anna realized she couldn’t afford to go. By some miracle, Anna got a scholarship and was on her way. She has never felt more accepted and loved than during that week at camp. Afterward, Anna decided to join the Capernaum team, serving teens with special needs for the next six years. Anna felt a strong calling to start college ministry when she entered the university in 2013 as a DGL student. The first college club in Chernivtsi and the entire Ukraine was held in 2016, with other universities joining shortly after. “My great passion is for students – I want to know their hearts, thoughts, challenges, excitement, pace of life. My dream is to have Young Life on every university campus.” After receiving her Master’s in Philosophy, Anna joined the Young Life Ukraine staff as the College Ministry Coordinator. She and her husband currently live in Chernivtsi. She loves books, dogs, deep conversations, and people’s souls. Please pray for Anna and her journey with Jesus as He allows her to share His love with university students.
When Yana was 15, she left her small village in West Ukraine to attend university. She quickly found herself alone, desperately looking for friends who would accept her and seeking fulfillment in momentary successes. This was when a Young Life leader invited her to club, and Yana’s life drastically changed. In 2015, Yana gave her life to Jesus, joined a local Young Life team, and became a DGL leader. She ministered to teens for five years before coming on staff. In her role, Yana supports the DGL and Young Life Expeditions programs and acts as a translator. Yana always strives for excellence and displays high professionalism in everything she does. She dreams of seeing more Young Life leaders reach their full potential through education. “I’m excited to see so many professionally and spiritually gifted young people in Ukraine. Their leadership will have the potential to impact the future of our country.”
Please pray for wisdom as Yana supports and equips these young leaders with the best for their growth and development.
Every day life is being impacted.
kids in outreach clubs every week
kids in discipleship groups every week
Developing Global Leaders
volunteer leaders
national staff

Our Ministries
Teens and young adults participate in many activities under the umbrella of Young Life. Here are the ministries currently present throughout Ukraine: