An Answer to a Prayer
Kropotkin | By Timothy
Story from the Russian Conference
In Russia, churches and Young Life are often like oil and water – very difficult to mix. For an old religious establishment, the ‘playful’ spirit of Young Life doesn’t fit into the socially accepted concept of God, making it unworthy of the church’s attention.
I saw it with my own eyes when the pastor of my church refused to support the ministry for four years, even after his son became a follower of Jesus at a Young Life camp. Praise God, he finally saw the value this ministry offers to teens and is now one of our strong supporters.
One of our veteran leaders, Lena, encountered similar issues. Here is her story, and the awesome testimony of God’s provision and faithfulness.
When I moved to Kropotkin to start Young Life, I built relationships with two churches: we held our club in one, and the other was the church I went to on Sundays, where I also hoped to find support for the ministry. My desire was to build one big team from the two churches. Unfortunately, I quickly learned that my church didn’t want to have anything to do with Young Life.
Kropotkin is a small town, and it isn't easy to do ministry without the church support. For us, it meant that we wouldn’t grow until the church community accepted us.
So, we kept praying.
Several years later, a new pastor joined the church, and things started to change. This was our opportunity to approach the leadership once again. I started building friendships with the pastor’s family, and after a while, I shared with them my heart for the teens and the ministry. At first, they thought Young Life was only fun and games, but eventually, they realized we shared the Gospel with the kids. Slowly, the stereotypes began to dissolve.
While the pastor became more open to the idea, he was still not convinced. So we kept doing what we knew to do: praying individually and as a team, and we asked our friends and other teams in other cities to pray for us. We trusted God would make it happen.
Three months ago, my pastor invited me to come over for dinner. As we were talking, the topic of the Young Life ministry came up. I couldn’t help but ask, “What’s stopping you from helping us right now?” The answer he gave me was what I had been waiting to hear for many years:
“Nothing. When are we going to open the next club?”
Now there are two teams in Kropotkin. For us, it’s a significant growth, a blessing, and an answer to our prayers. We knocked on the closed door for so many years, and after all this time, it is finally open. We hope this is just the beginning!
We are asking you to pray for Kropotkin and our relationships with churches in Russia. We need their help, and they need Young Life's mission. However, we often cannot find a common language. But we remember to continue knocking. “Knock, and the door will be opened.” We believe this truth and are prepared to wait, pray, and trust in patience. The fruit will come.
Join us in prayer by knocking together!
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

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